In the News: UI gets NSA grant to improve cyber-security

5/21/2014 ITI Staff

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS -- Some sharp minds at UI will try to change the country's cyber-security problem. The NSA gave the school a grant worth about $2 million. 18 professors and 18 graduate students will try to come up with long-term solutions to the problem. The UI is one of four universities to get the grant; Carnegie Mellon, the University of North Carolina and the University of Maryland are the other three.

Written by ITI Staff

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS -- Some sharp minds at UI will try to change the country's cyber-security problem. The NSA gave the school a grant worth about $2 million. 18 professors and 18 graduate students will try to come up with long-term solutions to the problem. The UI is one of four universities to get the grant; Carnegie Mellon, the University of North Carolina and the University of Maryland are the other three.

WCIA spoke with ITI's Bill Sanders about Illinois' new Lablet which will focus on security at the systems level, with the ultimate goal of providing methodologies for end-to-end security analysis of systems ranging from the power grid to the Internet. Watch the video.

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This story was published May 21, 2014.