Synchrophasor Data Quality
Summary Statement
NOTE: this is no longer an active CREDC research activity.
Our research objective is to continue development of a flexible, adaptive 3D visualization tool that changes the paradigm for learning about and understanding cyber security structure and requirements outlined in NISTIR 7628 and NESCOR “Failure Scenarios”.
This effort is an extension of research and tool development carried forward from the TCIPG project. The current tool version is web-implemented using HTLM-5. The tool provides a 3D representation of NISTIR requirements with each logical interface category and its associated players depicted on plane. The logical interfaces and architecturally significant use cases are stacked. The user can zoom, pan, and rotate the 3D representation. Additionally, the user may select any combination of layers for viewing to filter unneeded information. The user can also view hyperlinked tabular data for each actor using cursor.
The need for a 3-D tool for visualizing complex relationships between many system players is not unique to NISTIR 7628. The tool is being developed with the intent to enable straight forward adaption to similar visualization needs, e.g. cyber requirements for the oil and natural gas energy delivery system.
We also envision and EDS organization adapting the tool’s information content to meet their unique system architecture and needs.
The tool will accelerate assembling data and information to facilitate synthesizing the complex ideas and relationships necessary to improve cyber security. This innovative approach to visualizing NISTIR 7628 and NISTIR SP 1108 content will provide an adaptable tool that can be tailored to educate the entire EDS work force.
This activity is scheduled to complete by September 30, 2017
Energy Delivery System (EDS) Gap Analysis
DOE’s Roadmap to Achieve Energy Delivery Systems (2011) explicitly identifies knowledgeable people, who understand and appreciate energy delivery system (EDS) security requirements and risks as vital to sustaining critical power system functions over the long term. An implicit barrier to educating the diverse EDS workforce is the extraordinary effort individual effort necessary to make sense of the power system cyber security framework detailed in NISTIR 7628, Guidelines for Smart Cyber Security and the derivative NESCOR report “Electric Sector Failure Scenarios and Impact Analyses.”
Reference the research activity fact sheet (PDF) for an extended gap analysis and bibliography.
How does this research activity address the Roadmap to Achieve Energy Delivery Systems Cybersecurity?
This research activity is most closely aligned with the “Build a Culture of Security” goal. This activity seeks to deliver a tool that supports EDS workforce knowledge and understanding of system cyber security requirements. Improved workforce knowledge and understanding support improved performance within the other roadmap goals and outreach educating interested people outside the EDS sector.
More Information
Research Posters:
- NISTIR 7628 Visualization (2017 Industry Workshop)
- NISTIR 7628 Visualization (2016 Industry Workshop)
Industry Collaborators
- Kaedago, Inc.
- Electric Power Research Institute
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- American Transmission Company (ATC)