Cyber Physical Resiliency Experimentation and Assessment Using Federated Testbed

Summary Statement

In order to do large-scale power grid experimentation and leverage investments between different research labs, academic research centers, and the industry, it is desired to integrate geographically dispersed assets for energy systems research. This includes large-scale Real-time (RT) cyber-physical co-simulation environments for analyzing the interaction among electric grid components.

In this research work, requirements will be gathered to set the stage for motivating needs of federated RT simulation assets. From these needs, the solution space will be explored to determine what approaches can meet the needs of expected experiments and how science can be advanced in this area. The end goal is to seamlessly federate cyber physical assets such that they can be integrated for asset access, scalability, remote experimentation, and advancing the science of cyber physical federation. The initial goal will be to offer federated testbed resources for validation and verification of CREDC research activities. Existing resources will be leveraged and augmented with instrumentation or capabilities to develop federation capabilities of varied assets.

Energy Delivery System (EDS) Gap Analysis

A number of cyber physical testbeds exist throughout the nation, but no single existing testbed can offer full scalability while simultaneously meeting high fidelity requirements for real-life experimentation specifically customized for resiliency analysis. Throwing more money at the problem by acquiring additional assets is a losing proposition. By tackling the complexities of federating truly cyber physical assets, one can offer a scalable experimentation platform that can be leveraged for verification and validation of CREDC research.

Reference the research activity fact sheet (PDF) for an extended gap analysis and bibliography.

How does this research activity address the Roadmap to Achieve Energy Delivery Systems Cybersecurity?
The research goal is to offer federated testbed resources for validation and verification of Cyber Physical System (CPS) research activities. Existing resources will be leveraged and augmented with instrumentation or capabilities to develop federation capabilities of varied assets.  This research will lead to

  • Federated platform for validation and verification of long term and mid-term CREDC projects
  • Knowledge base and toolsets for deploying federated testbed assets and leveraging for experimentation
  • Experimentation resource for the CPS community
  • Training and education resource for the CPS community
  • Validating tools developed for assessing, monitoring and reducing risks

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