Xueping Liang
Student Researcher
Student Researcher
Old Dominion University
Ms. Xueping Liang is a cyber security researcher in Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center, Old Dominion University under the supervision of Dr. SachinShetty since July 2018. She is previously a research analyst in Tiger Institute, Tennessee State University, from September 2015 to June 2018. Her main focus is on trusted computing, distributed architecture and blockchain. I have worked on several research and application projects using Intel SGX and blockchain, funded by research grants from the Boeing company and the Air Force Research Laboratory. The blockchainapplication deployment is applicable to the energy delivery systems, in terms of the cyber supply chain provenance where the integrity and accountability of data access and operation records are preserved.
She got her Bachelor's degree in 2013 from Beijing Institute of Technology and since then she has been exploring in the cyber security area, with a totaling thirteen paper published including ten conference papers and three journal papers. MsXueping Liang is going to get her PhD degree in 2019 and she plans to continue her career in the research and development of new technologies for securing the cyber space and protecting personal privacy.