Md Sharif Ullah
Student Researcher
Old Dominion University
Md Sharif Ullah is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Old Dominion University (ODU). He received the B.Scand M.Sc. degrees in Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Dhaka in 2012 and 2014, respectively. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. under supervision of Dr. SachinShetty in Cyber Security Lab at Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC).
His current research is focusing on cyber-physical system resilience, critical infrastructure cyber situational awareness and intrusion response system. Prior joining here, he worked as a research assistant in Cybersecurity, Communication and Network Innovation (CCNI) lab at ODU. He has also collaborative research experience with other academics and industry R&D, such as Vision Lab, ODU and Accenture Technological Lab. His research findings have been published in numerous papers in leading journals and conferences, such as Elsevier Computer Networks, IEEE Resilience Week and WCCI.
His research interest includes cyber-physical systems, machine learning, security metrics, cognitive radio network, network optimization and systems security & privacy. MdSharif served as coordinator and Instructor of Hampton Roads Radio Spectrum and Wireless Communication Workshop & Summer School (HRSWC) and GenCybersummer camp at ODU. He is also a member of IEEE and IES.