Klara Nahrstedt
University of Illinois
Klara Nahrstedt is the Ralph and Catherine Fisher Professor in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science, and Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests are directed toward multimedia systems, real-time security in mission-critical systems such as trustworthy power grid. She is the co-author of widely used multimedia books `Multimedia: Computing, Communications and Applications' published by Prentice Hall, and ‘Multimedia Systems’ published by Springer Verlag. She is the recipient of the IEEE Communication Society Leonard Abraham Award for Research Achievements, IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award, ACM SIGMM Technical Achievement Award, and the former chair of the ACM Special Interest Group in Multimedia. She was the general co-chair of ACM Multimedia 2006, ACM NOSSDAV 2007, IEEE Percom 2009, and ACM/IEEE IOTDI 2019 and program co-chair of ACM Multimedia 2019.
Klara Nahrstedt received her Diploma in Mathematics from Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany in numerical analysis in 1985. In 1995 she received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Computer and Information Science. She is ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and Member of the Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences.