Sanders Testifies at Congressional Hearing on Resiliency


CREDC Co-PI William H. Sanders testified on Tuesday, October 3 before the Congressional Committee on Science, Space, & Technology. Sanders was one of four witnesses who spoke as part of a hearing titled "Resiliency: The Electric Grid's Only Hope." Sanders was also one of the authors of "Enhancing the Resilience of the Nation's Electricity System." This congressionally mandated report by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine was released in July 2017 and prescribes specific actions to improve the reliability of individual grid components and an increased integrated perspective among the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), state groups, and private utility stakeholders. 

The purpose of Tuesday's hearing was to help define resiliency, discuss recommendations from the report, and highlight the importance of research focused on grid resiliency, infrastructure, and operational strategy. The four witnesses for the hearing were Sanders, Carl Imhoff, manager of Electricity Market Sector, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Gavin Dillingham, program director of Clean Energy Policy, Houston Advanced Research Center, and Walt Baum, executive director of Texas Public Power Association.

A transcript of Sanders' testimony is online.  A full archive of the hearing is on the committee's website and on YouTube

Contributing Source: ECE Illinois

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